Design and Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Selected Roads in Preparation for Chogm, 2007



Project description
Project scope

The roads under the assignment included Kampala – Gaba (9 km); Munyonyo road (2.7 km) and Ndeeba – Namasuba road (

The works included for localised carriageway reconstructions, shoulder rehabilitation and drainage improvement. The works also extended to provision of sheet lighting and landscaping works in selected areas.The improvement of two Access Roads of the Kampala – Gaba road was later included in the Scope of Works

  1. Road Condition Assessment and Road Inventory Survey including; Soils & materials investigations, preparation of Periodic maintenance intervention, Road safety audit, Preparation of bills of quantities and technical specifications, Tender documentation and assistance, Preparation of environmental and social reports
  2. Construction supervision of works to completion 
    Activities included; Monitoring contractor mobilization, approval of method statements & work programmes, verification of Contractor setting out, daily inspection and verification of works, issuance of instructions and clarifications to the contractor, quality control of works and materials, Client liaison, Measurement and certification of works, Financial & Physical progress monitoring and reporting, Cost Control, Assessment of Claims by Contractor, Overall Project & Contract management, Environmental, Social, Health & Safety monitoring and ensuring timely mitigation, Preparation of As-built drawings, Superintendence over the Defects Liability Period
Transportation & urban spaces
December 2006 to December 2008

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